Thursday, December 27, 2007

New year/ Año Nuevo.

Año Nuevo. [‘ano ‘nwebo ] Adj. &N. M. New Year. New life.
New year [njʊ:] [jɪəʳ] Adj. & N. Año Nuevo. Vida nueva.
Dear friends/ queridos amigos:

A new year is coming. Un Nuevo año está comenzando. A lot of wishes plans to do and expectations of a new starting are waiting. Muchos deseos, planes y expectativas de un Nuevo comienzo esperan. Then, most probably the Spanish expression: “año Nuevo vida nueva” is the most representative to the New Year mood. Probablemente la expresión en español: “año nuevo vida nueva” es la más representativa para el humor del Nuevo año.
Have a great 2008! Que tengan un estupendo 2008!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Esperar/ To wait

Esperar. [espe’ rar] Verb. To wait. An action in which we spend time for someone or
Wait (to) [weɪt]. Verb. Esperar. Acción en donde gastamos tiempo por algo o alguien.

Ventana/ Window

Ventana. [ ben’ tana] Nf. Window. Framed space, which is from a certain distance from the floor and allows one to lean out and look, spy or be looked at or spied upon.
Window ['wɪndəʊ] Sust. Ventana. Espacio enmarcado a cierta distancia del suelo que permite asomarse, para mirar, espiar o para ser mirado o espiado.

Sapo/ Toad

Sapo.[‘sapo] Nm. Zool. Toad. Someone who believes that are a prince.
Toad [təʊd] Sust. Zool. Sapo. Alguien que se cree que es un príncipe.

Publicidad/ Advertising

Publicidad. [publici’ dad] Nf. Advertising. Visual, auditory and sometimes also tactile and olfactory arguments that try to sell something.
Advertising ['ædvətaɪzɪɳ] Sust. Publicidad. Argumento visual, auditivo y algunas veces tactil y olfativo para vender algo.

Odontólogo,-a / Dentist

Odontólogo,-a [ Odon’ tologo,-a] Nm & f. Dentist. Carnivore who feeds from living prey.
Dentist ['dentɪst] Sust. Odontólogo,-a. Carnívoro que se alimenta de presas vivas.

Curador/ Curator

Curador,-a. [cu’ra dor] N m & f. Curator. An entity who administer the presentation of another’s and its own ego.
Curator [kjʊə'reɪtəʳ] Sust. Curador. Una entidad que administra la presentación de otros y su propio ego.

Cucaracha/ Cockroach

Cucaracha. [ku’ caracha] Nf. Bio. Cockroach. Our quiet and playful neighbor.
Cockroach ['kɒkrəʊtʃ] Sust. Bio. Cucaracha. Nuestro tranquilo y divertido vecino.

Consumo/ Consumption

Consumo [Kon’sumo] NM. Consumption. To eat, to add, to spend.
Consumption [kən'sʌmpʃən] Sust. Consumo. Comer, sumar, gastar.

Ciudad/ City

Ciudad. [ciu’ dad] Nf. City. A place where a crowded flock of people live.
City ['sɪtɪ] Sust. Ciudad. Un lugar donde un rebaño de gente vive.

Brujo,-a/ Bitch

Brujo. [bru’ jo] Nm. A male bitch. A man who charms without money.
Bruja. [ ‘bru ja] Nf. Bitch. A woman in completely control of herself.
Bitch [bɪtʃ] Sust. Bruja. Una mujer en pleno control de sí misma.

Artista/ Artist

Artista. [artis’ta] N f & m. Artist.1. A person who chooses to act on his freedom.2. A beast?
Artist ['ɑ:tɪst]. Sust. f & m. Artista. 1.Una persona que decide actuar sobre su propia libertad. 2. ¿Una bestia?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Comments. Age 10-11

1. What do you think about the words and definitions?

· Very interesting and informative.
· The words are good but I think the definitions could be better though.
· Interesting. I like how there’s a humorous, abstract essence.
· I don’t think the definition was written very clearly but I was still able to understand the word.
· I think they are unique but some are somewhat inappropriate.
· It is ok. The words are better than the definitions.
· I think it’s not always clear but it mostly is. The whole thing is kind of strange but still interesting.
· The words are interesting and the definitions are clear.

2. Does the drawing correspond to the defined word?

· Yes they do, but some of them are disturbing.
· Some, no. Most of them do. I’m not sure what a horse has to do with a prostitute. (aventurero)
· Yes, in a very unique way.
· Sometimes they do but everyone has different opinions so maybe they all do.
· Yes, it does, they are very individual.
· Yes, but sometimes the drawings are a bit weird.
· Some of them don’t correspond to the defined word because some pictures are not matching.
· Sometimes. Sometimes I don’t get it.
· Most of the time.
· Yes, and it’s really funny.
· Sometimes it does but others times it’s not so accurate.
· Yes, but the drawings are a bit unrealistic.
· Some do, and some are wild.

3. Any suggestion to improve the project.

· Background? Some pictures are um… inappropriate.
· It’s good but you could perhaps use less “inappropriate” meanings/words.
· They could put more sensible words in it.
· Make more word on the wall because they’re really cool.
· Not really.
· The picture could be less disgusting.
· No, I like this project the way it is.
· Apart from illustrator problems. It’s fine.
· Other words, other types of pictures.

Comments. Age 14-15

1. What do you thing about the words and definitions?

· I think that the words are so ordinary and regularly used, which only emphasizes the originality of the definitions. The definitions are creative and different than would you would expect.
· I think the words and definitions are awesome how they show how the artist translates the words, like what they mean towards her.
· I think the words used are very good because they provide an opportunity for not necessarily the expected explanations. The explanations are usually very funny.
· I thought the words, definitions and the drawings were all very creative. The definitions were very unique and not your ordinary definitions you find in a dictionary.
· I though the words, definitions and the drawings were all very creative. The definitions were very unique and not your ordinary definitions you find in a dictionary.
· The chosen words fit they
· Re definitions well, they aren’t direct dictionary definitions but are what the artist though of them. Sometimes they are too based on the artist thoughts and personal ideas.
· This definitions describes the word in a way not usually thought of. But they are to a certain extent. True.
· I think that these words and definitions express how the artist “defines” herself, and it expresses her thoughts on various things.
· I think that they are intriguing and exciting, as the drawings and definitions are unexpected and interesting. They are cynical, humorous and quite provocative which I really like.
· I think the words used are very good because they provide and opportunity for not necessarily the expected explanations. The explanations are usually very funny.

2. Does the drawing correspond to the defined word?

· Yes, the drawings do correspond to the defined word. They bring even more of an individual sense to the words & definitions.
· Some of the drawings don’t match the given words, while others are accurate. For example, the word condom doesn’t fit the chickens with the blonde hair. Most of them do and it is also quite entertain.
· Sometimes, but sometimes I don’t really get it.
· Yes it does, I find it amusing how most of the people are pink, but overall they are eye-catching and funny.

3. Any suggestion to improve the project.

· The definitions written after the translation should be less of the artist personal description of the meaning of the word.
· May be do some stranger words?
· Expand on the topic of words.
· Should have all words in both languages. Some is only in Spanish/English and doesn’t have the other language.
· It would be nice if the artist exhibition decides to spare out the pieces, therefore the audience won’t be all attached to one corner.
· Expand on the variety of words. Make more words.
· To improve the project, I think you should improve the definitions. It is not like the words are not good enough, or maybe some words that are unrealistic something you cannot touch or feel, like love or think.
· More drawings+ definitions.

Comments. Adults

1. What do you think about the words and definitions?

· There’s humor. I like the ones about “putas” (prostitutes)
· Very good and funny. But there are not definitions of “metro sexual” or “homosexual”. The illustration of the word “politics” is the one that I most like.

2. Does the drawing correspond to the defined word?

· Yes, they are very creative.
· Yes, yap.

3. Any suggestion to improve the project.
· More definitions about the computer and the red.
· Please more “putas” (prostitutes)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dictionary work in progress exhibition


Diccionario [diktjo’ narjo] Nm. Dictionary. The dictionary is a collaborative art project where people from different backgrounds and nationalities contribute and define words in Spanish or English. All of them were given the freedom to alter the strict definition of each word establishing by the way of individual thoughts, experiences, doubts, jokes, differences, eruditions.
The project humorously intends to show the interpretations and misinterpretations which one is exposed when one is learning a new language, also questioning the idea of education.

The opening of the “Illustrated Spanish/English.English/Spanish dictionary”, a work in progress, will be held on 8th September from 8pm. at Kapok- B/F 9 Dragon Road, Tin Hau Temple Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong. The exhibition runs from 8th until 23rd of September.
For more details: number 5.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Radiografía / x-ray

Radiografía. [radiogra’ fia] Nf. X-ray. Looking Through yourself.
X-ray [eks'reɪ] Sust. Radiografía. Mirar a través de ti.

Ganador/ Winner

Ganador. [gana’dor] Nm. Winner. Someone who gets control.
Winner ['wɪnəʳ] Sust. Ganador. Alguien que toma el control

Depilarse/ Waxing

Depilarse. [depi’ lar se] Reflex. verb. Waxing. To get out the beard off your body.
Waxing. [wæks ing] Verbo trans. Depilarse. Sacarse la barba del cuerpo.

Valor/ Value

Valor [ va’ lor] Nm. Value. To estimate the price of something or someone.
Value ['væljʊ:] Sust. Valor. El precio estimado de alguien o algo.

Viajar/ Travel (to)

Viajar. [via’ xar]. Verb. To travel. To look for new internal or eternal challenge.
Travel (to) ['trævəl] Verbo. Viajar. Buscar un nuevo interno o eterno desafío.

Transformación/ Transformation

Transformación[ transforma’ cion] Nf. Transformación. To get something unexpected.
Transformation [trænsfə'meɪʃən].Sust. Transformation. Conseguir algo inesperado.

Tiempo/ Time

Tiempo. [‘ tiempo] Nm. Time. Something that usually nobody has, but we have to deal with it to organize our life.
Time [taɪm] Sust. Tiempo. Algo que normalmente nadie posee, pero algo con lo que necesariamente debemos lidiar para organizar nuestras vidas.

Tentación/ temptation

Tentación. [tenta’ cion]. Nf. Temptation. A desert that is waiting for you.
Temptation [temp'teɪʃən] Sust. Tentación. Un postre esperándote.

Teléfono/ phone

Teléfono. [te’ lefono] Nm. Phone. Something to talk over a short or long distance.
Phone [fəʊn] Sust. Teléfono. Algo para hablar a corta o larga distancia.

Cirugía/ surgery

Cirugía. [Cir u gi’ a] Nf. Surgery. An instantly cut problem, I would like to have one to get rid of my fat.
Surgery ['sɜ:dʒərɪ] N. Cirugía. Un instantáneo corte de problemas. Me gustaría tener una para deshacerme de mi gordura.